Let No Man Write my Epitaph

Let No Man Write my Epitaph

“Just a kid from the streets, always fighting the system & wanting to be free never playing by the rules always thinking that laws were meant for people like me”

What has happened to the fire
that once did exist
has now all but expired
the passion has been dismissed

Once there was fame and glory
always wheeling and dealing
no time for defeat
you were very appealing

Constantly fighting the demons
quit the booze after 43 years
always kept everyone safe behind the gate
never ever caring about any of your peers

Old age now moving in
losing a step or two
slowly missing a beat
time to meet your Waterloo

Memories of victory’s
and memories of defeats
will always remain
but will never again repeat

Just a kid from the streets
always fighting the system & wanting to be free
never playing by the rules
always thinking that laws were meant for people like me

No regrets for what or where I have been
just created my own path
hope to be remembered as a Stand-Up Guy

BobbyZ aka The Junkyard Dog

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